A few years ago, I had a runny nose – all of the time! I also had lost my sense of smell. I went to a doctor, and she gave me a prescription for Flonase, a steroid that is sprayed into the nose and that mostly stopped the nose from running.
I came from a family that didn’t have allergies. I was in my 40s when this happened, so I started by reading articles online and found the dirty dozen brought to you by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which publishes the list yearly.
What I discovered made sense as I was eating a lot of apples at that time. When I adjusted my diet to include mostly organic veggies and fruit, I stopped using the Flonase and got my sense of smell back (that was disturbing – when you’re not used to it, a lot of things smelled bad!)
Here is an excellent video from the EWG about the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen (foods that don’t have a lot of pesticide contamination).