We live a privileged life in North America but this is not the same in other parts of the world. Young Sevren Suzuki speaks for the generations to come…
eco-friendly homes & products
We live a privileged life in North America but this is not the same in other parts of the world. Young Sevren Suzuki speaks for the generations to come…
I live in Calgary, AB, Canada. An area landlocked by mountains on one side and prairie on the other. … [Read More...]
I am a big fan of electric vehicles and would love one as my next mode of transportation. One of … [Read More...]
We were pleased to spent a few hours on a Saturday with David of MyEarthBoundHome.com. David gave … [Read More...]
If you don't want to live next to a corporate farm with 15,000 pigs or have fracking happen under … [Read More...]
Ann and Gord built what is called the “World’s Greenest Modern House” from the greenest … [Read More...]
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