I want you to read this book. In fact, I think everyone should.
The only way we are going to reduce toxins in our homes and environment is when we become enlightened. We need to tell manufacturers as well as our governments to stop allowing toxic products in our homes or at the very least to label them so we can make better choices. There are alternatives and only by purchasing better products will we enpower healthier alternatives.
… and this is the most comprehensive guide for environmental enlightenment out there.
Guide to the Most Environmentally Friendly Products, Information and Services in Canada (US version available soon)
I have just finished reading this book and think it should be on every earth lovers bookshelf. It goes beyond the usual “use vinegar and lemon to clean your home” jargon and tells us the green truth about the majority of products available for our homes, body, families and jobs.
Do you know that Phillips has the lowest Mercury in their CFLs or that a single artificial flavour such as the fake strawberry essence found in milkshakes can contain up to 50 ingredients, many petroleum derived!!! This is just two of the multiple gems you can pick out of the book.
Rick Smith, the Executive Director of Environmental Defense writes “Everything you need to make green, non-toxic, Earth-Friendly consumer choices – and be a bang-up environmental citizen – is in this book. It’s comprehensiveness is mind-boggling!
…and I agree! Adria Vasil is no ordinary writer. She is sassy and opinionated and she tells you the truth in an entertaining way.
Not only have I learned what products are best for the home, kitchen, family and pets, the book explains the best products and principles for renovations.
It has the most current information to avoid toxins, buy pesticide-free and sustainable foods and reduce energy use in our homes. Choosing an environmentally friendly career will help job seekers and there are big issues facing America.
Other topics in this book:
- Keeping your home and garden pest-free without harmful chemicals
- Green gift-giving and ethical investing
- Choosing an environmentally friendly career
- The big issues facing America and how to get involved
- The Most Helpful Services
- Electronics and computer recyclers
- Alternative energy suppliers
- Incentives and rebates for greening your home
- Local and national environmental groups
- Plus Big Issues and tips on how to get involved!
Get the book here:
Ecoholic: Your Guide to the Most Environmentally Friendly Information, Products and Services in Canada