I have written about a wind turbine in San Francisco: HGTVs World Greatest Homes. This video tries to strip the politics from wind energy and show the benefits that wind power can bring schools, farms, businesses and communities. Talco, is the video sponsor and they help customers install small-scale wind turbines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_uSSkw48Hc

7 Home Solar Power Myths… Busted!
The following article comes from Planet Save and is By Britt Mauriss On January 27, 2012. The feature photo is by your eco friend Terry. You know it as well as I do—the home solar trend is taking off, as concerns about climate change and rising electricity costs point to clean, renewable solar as a solution. And even though residential solar […]

Passive Solar, Net Zero Home: Goldendale, WA
We first heard of Francis when we met Chris of Winter Sun Design in Edmonds, WA. We asked Chris if he could introduce her to us as she fit the profile of our green homeowners. We had originally planned to head south from Edmonds, so the drive to Goldendale was a considerable distance out of our […]

Ecoholic, When You are Addicted to the Planet…
I want you to read this book. In fact, I think everyone should. The only way we are going to reduce toxins in our homes and environment is when we become enlightened. We need to tell manufacturers as well as our governments to stop allowing toxic products in our homes or at the very least […]

World’s Greenest Home, San Francisco: HGTV video
We visited Robin last fall on our ECO tour and we were amazed at the extent of the green features in her home. The previous post is here: San Francisco Solar and Wind Powered Home. Robin really has to be commended. She installed the first wind turbine in an urban setting. This was to her home in central […]

EcoNest® Straw Clay Home, Santa Fe, NM
Santa Fe is counted as America’s oldest capital city and has an abundance of adobe-styled homes and businesses. These buildings are distinctive, historical representations, that blend Spanish, Native American and other local cultures and are made by combining sand, clay, water and other fibres like sticks or straw. The look combines design elements of Pueblo […]

Community Solar Projects
I wrote a post on a the Sabin Coop Co-Housing Community in Portland. This featured 4 homes built on a single inner city lot. The homeowners shared a central courtyard, gardens, honey bees, yard duties as well as storage facilities and the list continues. The homes are positioned so the families can interact with each […]

Passive Solar Sunroom Addition, Breckenridge, CO
Breckenridge has a very high elevation making the sun incredibly bright, almost blinding. The people are active in the area and seem to be very fit. Obviously the ski hills make the area famous, but it is also a great place to visit in the fall. Innovative Energy RenewablePower.com helps homeowners in Breckenridge and area, educating […]

Net-Zero, Leeds Platinum Home, Cupertino, CA
This home in Cupertino seemed to have every green and modern feature imaginable. Homeowners David and Stephania are 2 of 3 principles from “Integrated Design Associates, Inc. (IDeAs) is a California and Colorado based consultancy providing electrical engineering and lighting design services for buildings.” There were many exceptional green technologies used, but when it came […]

Extremely ECO Renovation, Belmont, CA
David of MyEarthBoundHome.com introduced us to two of his clients, both have lived in their homes for about a year. Yao and Chris, Belmont When Yao and Chris found a great home, with a fantastic view overlooking a 200 acre park, they bought it knowing that some renovations were required to bring this sixties home […]