Modular green home – right sized! Louisville, CO

Modular green home – right sized! Louisville, CO

We met Paul, Connie and their architect Andy during the final phase of construction for their modular green home. Paul and Connie owned a lot in the historic mining town of Louisville and wanted to build a green home on it.  One that was gentle on the earth and didn’t consume a lot of resources. They […]

Peru’s Amazon: Part 1

Peru’s Amazon: Part 1

How can you love the world if you are protecting just your corner. The world is pretty large but as much as we look to affect our portion other corners need our help. A while ago myself (Terry – your eco friend) and my husband Mark spent some time in Peru’s Amazon. We went with […]

Ecoholic, When You are Addicted to the Planet…

Ecoholic, When You are Addicted to the Planet…

I want you to read this book. In fact, I think everyone should. The only way we are going to reduce toxins in our homes and environment is when we become enlightened. We need to tell manufacturers as well as our governments to stop allowing toxic products in our homes or at the very least […]

Earthship: A Most Radically Sustainable Home

Earthship: A Most Radically Sustainable Home

We have had the privilege of staying a night in the Phoenix, a Taos, New Mexico Earthship. These friendliest of eco-friendly homes were conceived by architect Michael Reynolds, nicknamed the garbage warrior. He fought for many years to build these off-grid homes and eventually succeeded in getting building permits. The Earthship design principles: An Earthship is a radically […]