In Kamloops, British Columbia we were treated to a beer from the Stanley Park Brewery called 1897 Amber.
The reason this is cool, and why it’s on this blog, is because the brewery is wind powered!… And the beer was very good.
eco-friendly homes & products
In Kamloops, British Columbia we were treated to a beer from the Stanley Park Brewery called 1897 Amber.
The reason this is cool, and why it’s on this blog, is because the brewery is wind powered!… And the beer was very good.
I was reading a post from Mother Earth News that said you can grow tomatoes from a slice. The … [Read More...]
We live a privileged life in North America but this is not the same in other parts of the world. … [Read More...]
I wrote a post on a the Sabin Coop Co-Housing Community in Portland. This featured 4 homes built on … [Read More...]
It's me! Your ECO friend Terry... I rarely get in front of the camera, but I thought doing a video … [Read More...]
We visited an Earthship and stayed overnight as you see in this post: Earthship: A Most Radically … [Read More...]
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