I am the wind… (video story)

I am the wind… (video story)

I have written about a wind turbine in San Francisco: HGTVs World Greatest Homes. This video tries to strip the politics from wind energy and show the benefits that wind power can bring schools, farms, businesses and communities. Talco, is the video sponsor and they help customers install small-scale wind turbines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_uSSkw48Hc

Micro Hydro Powered Off-Grid Mountain Retreat

Micro Hydro Powered Off-Grid Mountain Retreat

Warren met his Janice in British Columbia (BC) Canada in the early 70s. The couple left the province some time later, raising their family in Warren’s homeland of Nova Scotia. They spent years honing their skills in organic gardening, horse logging, log home building and creative self-sufficiency. Those ‘back-to-the-land’ skills and  love of the great […]

7 Home Solar Power Myths… Busted!

7 Home Solar Power Myths… Busted!

The following article comes from Planet Save and is By Britt Mauriss On January 27, 2012. The feature photo is by your eco friend Terry. You know it as well as I do—the home solar trend is taking off, as concerns about climate change and rising electricity costs point to clean, renewable solar as a solution. And even though residential solar […]

Passive Solar, Net Zero Home: Goldendale, WA

Passive Solar, Net Zero Home: Goldendale, WA

We first heard of Francis when we met Chris of Winter Sun Design in Edmonds, WA. We asked Chris if he could introduce her to us as she fit the profile of our green homeowners. We had originally planned to head south from Edmonds, so the drive to Goldendale was a considerable distance out of our […]

Off-Grid Timber Frame, Turtle Valley, BC

Off-Grid Timber Frame, Turtle Valley, BC

Marjorie lives in an off-the-grid home in the mountains near Turtle Valley, about 45 minutes from Kamloops in British Columbia, Canada. Marjorie is a strong and extremely self-sufficient woman and was the builder, designer and contractor for her Timber Frame home. She wasn’t completely alone as she had help from her 23-year-old son. Her dad helped with […]

Earthship: A Most Radically Sustainable Home

Earthship: A Most Radically Sustainable Home

We have had the privilege of staying a night in the Phoenix, a Taos, New Mexico Earthship. These friendliest of eco-friendly homes were conceived by architect Michael Reynolds, nicknamed the garbage warrior. He fought for many years to build these off-grid homes and eventually succeeded in getting building permits. The Earthship design principles: Earthship.com: An Earthship is a radically […]

Off-Grid Straw Bale Home, Northern California

Off-Grid Straw Bale Home, Northern California

I had been really looking forward to this stop on the tour…some long off dream of living on an acreage with an off-grid home and my own art studio… that is my dream, Stan and Judy are living theirs. Stan and Judy live off-grid in an area of northern California between Mt. Shasta and Mt. […]

Off-Grid Straw Bale in Goldendale, WA

Off-Grid Straw Bale in Goldendale, WA

Tobiah and his wife, raised their two kids on this five acre homestead. He often gives straw bale home building workshop, so there were a lot of small buildings on his land. Tobiah and his wife live in what they call the round house. This straw bale home includes the kitchen and living areas. There […]