Warning: The Truth About Splenda and Others Diet Sweeteners

Warning: The Truth About Splenda and Others Diet Sweeteners

I lost my mom to dementia a couple of years ago. Growing up, we ate what I now consider poorly. It wasn’t unusual to have Kraft Dinner, sweet cereals or other processed foods. She eventually got Diabetes, then Dementia. The really sad thing about her death was when she got sepsis, and they couldn’t operate as her dementia prevented her from understanding that she was operated on… They drugged her until she died… 

I believe that sweeteners were also a cause of her problems as she aged. She loved coffee, and as she was always on a diet, she put Splenda or equal in her coffee to sweeten. For years, I told her it was dangerous, but she wasn’t ready to listen…

Beware… if something says 0 grams of sugar, there’s a good chance it’s been replaced with an artificial sugar. Always read your labels or simply do as I now do. Eat whole foods but also try to avoid foods that have a likelihood of high pesticides.. I talk about that in another post: The Dirty Dozen Foods and Clean Fifteen

Doctor Mike Hanson says: Discover the truth about Splenda and other diet sweeteners in this eye-opening video. Learn why the World Health Organization advises against using these sweeteners for weight control, diabetes prevention, and reducing the risk of diseases. Explore the findings of a comprehensive review of 283 studies, revealing the lack of long-term benefits and potential adverse health consequences. Uncover the association between diet sweeteners and increased risks of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and all-cause mortality. Understand the impact of sucralose on gut health and its potential to damage cell membranes, cause a leaky gut, and trigger inflammatory responses.