I have written about a wind turbine in San Francisco: HGTVs World Greatest Homes. This video tries to strip the politics from wind energy and show the benefits that wind power can bring schools, farms, businesses and communities. Talco, is the video sponsor and they help customers install small-scale wind turbines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_uSSkw48Hc
Low-tech, low plastic vegetable storage method
In this 3:38 minute video A Korean artist shows her low-tech method for keeping vegetables fresh – outside of the fridge.

EV Goes 218 Miles (351 Km) on a Single Charge
I am a big fan of electric vehicles and would love one as my next mode of transportation. One of problems with most Electric Vehicles is that they don’t travel very far on a charge. The newest vehicle from Sim-Drive is purported to change this. In tests the Sim-Wil was able to go 218 miles or […]
How to make REnewables Consistent
On the electrical grid right now, the amount of generation has to be exactly equal to the amount of consumption. This is the handicap that renewable sources face: there is no way to store the energy to “flatten” out the production curve. The common understanding these days is that for every MW of wind or […]
The Aurora
Beautiful… Terje Sorgjerd is a passionate landscape photographer and filmmaker from Norway.He spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around -25 Celsius. Good fun. Follow Facebook: facebook.com/TSOPhotography
Global warming in 26 seconds
26 second NASA video showing the average global temperature from the mid 20th century
The girl who silenced the world – 5 very powerful minutes!
We live a privileged life in North America but this is not the same in other parts of the world. Young Sevren Suzuki speaks for the generations to come…

7 Home Solar Power Myths… Busted!
The following article comes from Planet Save and is By Britt Mauriss On January 27, 2012. The feature photo is by your eco friend Terry. You know it as well as I do—the home solar trend is taking off, as concerns about climate change and rising electricity costs point to clean, renewable solar as a solution. And even though residential solar […]

Was 2012 a year of Change?
Trillion dollar debts, countries living beyond their means, the Occupy Wall Street Movement, protests all over the world, governments allowing GMOs, toxic products in our homes and foods, poor building methods… It is clear that the internet has made global communication possible, that people around the world are now speaking with each other, creating new […]

Peru’s Amazon: Part 1
How can you love the world if you are protecting just your corner. The world is pretty large but as much as we look to affect our portion other corners need our help. A while ago myself (Terry – your eco friend) and my husband Mark spent some time in Peru’s Amazon. We went with […]

The Story of Bottled Water
The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day) employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans (and Canadians) to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over five minutes, the film explores […]

The Story of Cap and Trade
The Story of Cap & Trade by the Story of Stuff, is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the “devils in the details” in current cap-and-trade […]

Ecoholic, When You are Addicted to the Planet…
I want you to read this book. In fact, I think everyone should. The only way we are going to reduce toxins in our homes and environment is when we become enlightened. We need to tell manufacturers as well as our governments to stop allowing toxic products in our homes or at the very least […]
The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bag
Plastic never truly breaks down completely. Even the so-called biodegradable products don’t completely biodegrade because modern garbage dumps are not designed to allow this to happen. The only cure for the “proliferation” of this species is to stop using the product in the first place. Below is a great Mockumentary of the life cycle of […]